By Career Advice

Before launching into a remote career, you need to be confident the work-from-home environment is for you. Perhaps you’ve tried it with great success already, or maybe it’s completely new territory.

Asking yourself these key questions will help you determine if remote working is going to work for you.

Are you a self-starter?

Whether you’re a remote employee, self-employed or freelancing, you’ll need to be independent and able to work autonomously. That means having the self-discipline to focus on your work more than the midday movie, and not sleeping in (at least not every day!)

Have you got the tools for the job?

It generally goes without saying, remote jobs usually require a decent internet connection and a decent computer. You won’t necessarily need the latest and greatest hardware, but reliable and fast is a must. You’ll probably also want to invest in a headset, smart phone, and a digital back up or storage device, if you don’t already have them.

Do you have prior knowledge?

Starting a work from home career isn’t the best time to launch into a whole new field of work. You’ll want to have at least some transferable skills applicable to the job to avoid that sinking feeling.

Are you an extrovert?

If you said yes, don’t worry, remote working might still work for you. But you have to go into this knowing there’ll be no more lunchroom chitchat, no water cooler gossip and no office banter. For most remote workers, this is a welcome reprieve, but some people thrive on that social interaction.  You can schedule face to face socialising with friends into your working week to break up the silence, and organise video calls with clients, virtual colleagues and employers. Online chat rooms and social media groups also allow you to interact and socialise with others, but they can also become a distraction. This is a highly personal and highly important factor to consider.

Are you flexible?

Remote jobs tend to be more dynamic and fluid than traditional jobs. You probably won’t have a concrete schedule, maybe not even a defined set of tasks. It takes initiative, organisation and the ability to change course at a moment’s notice to succeed.

Why do you want to work from home?

At some point in our lives we probably all dream of a two-hour workday, tapping at a laptop while sipping margaritas on the beach. The reality of remote work is rarely as glamorous, so it’s important to know exactly why you want to do it. Perhaps you have young children and want to care for them in the family home? Maybe you’re a trailing spouse and a traditional workplace isn’t an option. Or is it a practical way to expand your employment opportunities or business ventures? Whatever the reason, be clear on what it is, and apply the other questions on this page to see if remote working is going to work for you.

When you’re ready to take the next step, register with Remote Work Hub to view and apply for genuine remote jobs.


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