Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions about working from home is “all the free time” you’re going to have.

You’ll likely start your first day as a work-from-home professional with the best intentions of a late start, long lunch and early finish, and plenty of time left over to hit the gym, cook up a storm, clean the house, take care of the kids/partner/goldfish, and still fit in some time for Netflix before bed.

Can we say it…#notgunnahappen

Not every day anyway.

While it’s true remote workers find some extra time by cutting the commute and having the flexibility to choose when and where they work, it’s also very easy to lose that time too. Although a home office is usually a more peaceful work environment than a corporate building, distractions do happen. There’s the ping of a Facebook notification, a knock at the door, or a dire need for coffee – and before you know it, you’ve lost an hour, and gym and a healthy lunch are replaced with a late night and home delivery. So, we’ve put together some tips on making the most of your time to look after your health and fitness when you work from home.


We’ve said it before and we’ll keep on saying it. The best way to motivate yourself for your work day is to bounce out of bed, get your blood pumping and break a sweat. If the gym is too far away, go for a walk or jog, consider investing in some home fitness equipment (even a skipping rope is an effective and affordable option!) or workout at home with free online exercise videos – we love FitnessBlender.


What healthy looks like for you will be different to the next person, so we’re not here to tell you what to eat. But planning your meals and preparing any food you need for your work day the night before will help you save time and encourage you to make a healthy choice. Remember to keep fresh fruit and healthy snacks on hand, because you can’t focus when you’re hungry.


When you work from home, you’re no longer tied to your desk. So get outside! You can either break up your work day with a walk around the block, a stroll through a park, or if you’ve got a laptop, take your work with you. When you work remotely, the world is your oyster office.


Modern workplaces are fairly proactive with ensuring staff receive regular health checks, and when you work from home, that’s something you might forget. As well as visiting your doctor for regular checkups, remember to pay attention to any niggling health worries and seek help, no matter how small or embarrassing they might be. Also consider a nutritionist or naturopath to support your health naturally and ensure you’re getting the best nutrition to fuel a healthy and active mind and body.

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