By Career Advice

Your Instagram feeds are a constant reminder that someone somewhere is having a lot more fun than you right now.

Those picture-perfect postcard moments can evoke inspiration and motivation to travel and see the world, or drive you to envy and despair while you’re stuck working a nine to five and paying bills.

But is it possible to do both? Fulfil your wanderlust and make a living.

As long as you have a computer and a WiFi connection – yes. In fact, some people are returning home from globetrotting wealthier than when they left.

Working virtually is making earning while traveling an exciting reality. It’s the age of the digital nomad, and working poolside with a mojito in hand is becoming a more attractive option for backpackers over hard labour and working for accommodation. Even if you’re not planning to leave the country, you can enjoy holidays closer to home without punishing the bank balance by working virtually part time while you’re away.

So how do I get started?

If you’re already freelancing remotely or working virtually in a location independent role (ie – it doesn’t matter where in the world you work) it’s just a matter of letting your employer or clients know you will be travelling and your new working hours. You’ll likely be changing time zones and may be cutting back your hours, so just make sure to clear this with them first.

If you currently work in a traditional workplace, it will mean trying to convince your boss to let you work from home. And if that doesn’t work, there are thousands of employers seeking virtual staff. Take a look at our remote jobs database for current vacancies.

How does it work?

It’s just like working from home – but you can be working from the hotel lobby, or the bar, even the Taj Mahal. Wherever you go, your work can go with you, just as long as you have internet access and a laptop.

Your employer will pay you as arranged and your work can fund your travels.  Where to next?

How long can I travel for?

See you next year sometime! Or just keep on travelling if you like. Provided your employer doesn’t need you in the same location as them, there are no restrictions on how long you can work virtually other than your own visa limitations and other local regulations.  Remember it is illegal to work from home in some countries, so be sure to know your rights and responsibilities before setting up a virtual office somewhere you shouldn’t.

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